Chakras / Reiki    


The chakras or energy centers

The seven chakras are energy centers. The psychics that had the possibility to see them said that they appear 
as vortices, with conical or concave depressions, according to the development and spiritual well-being of 
the individual observed. However, even non-psychics can learn to feel their energy with your hands.
The chakras are located along the spine, they act as receptors and distributors of vital energy between the
physical body and the subtle bodies of the aura.
It has been observed that each chakra corresponds to a different gland and governs specific parts of the 
physical body and areas of psychological development and spiritual, as shown by the information that will be 
provided below.
  st chakra #muladhara
Location: it is placed at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals.
It governs: legs, feet, genitalia, anus, coccyx, kidneys.
To which field of behavior and human development it is connected: the need to be primordial origins, 
Gland: adrenal
 nd chakra #svadhisthaua
Location: it is placed in the pubic region between the fifth dorsal and sacrum
It governs: pelvis, genitals, reproductive system, abdomen, sacrum, lumbar vertebrae
To which field of behavior and human development it is connected: vitality, movement, sexual expression
Gland: gonads
 rd chakra #manipura
Location: it is placed between the solar plexus and navel area
It governs: lumbar spine, stomach, gallbladder, liver, diaphragm, nervous system
To which field of behavior and human development it is connected: pure emotional energy, desire, power
Gland: pancreas
 th chakra #anahata
Location: it is located in the heart
It governs: heart, lower part of the lungs, chest, breast, thoracic vertebrae, circulatory system.
To which field of behavior and human development it is connected: love, compassion, dedication to 
Gland: thymus
 th chakra #vishuddha
Location: placed in the threat
It governs: arms, hands, mouth, voice, lung, cervical, respiratory system
 th chakra #aina
Location: it is placed on the forehead, between the eyebrows
It governs: forehead, ears, nose, left eye, base of the skull, bone, nervous system.
To which field of behavior and human development it is connected: intuition, intellect, clairvoyance (images)
Gland: pituitary
 th chakra #sahasrara
Locations: it is placed at the top of the head
It governs: skull, cerebral cortex, right eye
To which field of behavior and human development it is connected; transcendence, awareness, spiritual will.
Gland: pineal